680mm Camera Drone Platform

What's up guys/gals,

I have decided to get out of the custom making drone hobby and focus more on planes. Below is what I have invested into this project. I am willing to sell for way less than what I have into it.

I am asking $500

Thanks for looking!

Q680 V3 Glass Fiber Quadcopter Frame 680mm - $15
DJI Naza M V2 - $176
Turnigy Multistar 2216-800Kv - $60
LHI 30A Esc's - $63
Retractable Landing Skid TL65B44 - $47
Black Mamba Video Transmitter 9km Range- $100
TBS Triumph Antenna - $42
Tarot T4-3D 3 Axis Brushless Camera Gimbal - $75
11x5.5 T-motor style Carbon fiber CW/CCW props - $34
2 x Multistar High Capacity 4S 6600mAh Multi-Rotor Lipo Pack x2 - $90
Total $702
Turnigy TGY-i10 Remote - $136
Boscam Galaxy D2 FPV Screen - $54
Total $190

Photo Apr 10, 5 27 41 PM (1).jpg

Photo Apr 10, 5 28 00 PM.jpg

Photo Apr 10, 5 29 58 PM.jpg

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