A working copy of the SVN? Xplane test next.

Hi everyone,

first of all, I would like to thank everyone who is putting their spare time in developing the hard and software for the APM.

After reading the manual and installing tourtoise, I was able to check out (http://ardupilot-mega.googlecode.com/svn/Sketchbook/trunk) a copy of the software (like 2 weeks ago) and was able to compile and upload to the board. First debug tests (changed in the config file) were ok.

Then I ordered an MTK GPS although I had 2 of them lying around (original 406 and LS..31) because it seems that the ublox and MTK are supported best.

So yesterday I checked out the SVN again (update), and tried to compile (nothing changed in config). Result in IDE:

...\apm_svn\libraries\FastSerial\/FastSerial.h:56:20: error: Stream.h: No such file or directory
...\apm_svn\libraries\FastSerial\/FastSerial.h:89: error: expected class-name before '{' token
...\apm_svn\libraries\FastSerial\/FastSerial.h:109: error: 'Stream' has not been declared

It seems like a problem with linux/unix conversion (slash instead of backslash in the path, as well as fastserial.h not beeing converted to windows ascii)

(downloading the .zip file and libraries directly is OK, and compiles, but MTK seems not to be supported: a compile with MTK selected goes wrong)


1. How do I check out a working copy of the software which supports MTK GPS ?
2. Will that Version then also support X-Plane (this will be my next test) ? I seem to remember Doug telling not to activate xplane gcs.
3. Is there a way to visualize log data from the board?


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