Hi there,

I have the APM 2.5 with compass on board mounted at yaw270 using Board Orientation (AHRS_ORIENTATION) but haven't touched the Compass orientation (COMPASS_ORIENT). 

Should COMPASS_ORIENT also be orientated? or is this just for APM 2.6 when the board and compass can be facing different ways? This isn't clear in the wiki.

As yet I've only been flying stabilisation and FBW-A which I'm guessing don't worry about the compass and have read in the 2.73 thread of some people having trouble unless they disabled their compass.

Prefer to know the answer rather than work it out in the air :)



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  • Did you solve that problem? I want to do the same.
    Zidlov said:

    Didn't want to open a new thread. Hopefully someone still reads it anyway...:)

    Is there a possibility to set a custom AHRS_Orientation value?

    For example, 12 degree pitch forward...Would like to tilt my motors for better forward flight capability but 45 degrees is a bit steep for that. :D

    Hi there, I have the APM 2.5 with compass on board mounted at yaw270 using Board Orientation (AHRS_ORIENTATION) but haven't touched the Compass orie…
  • Did you ever find a solution to this? 

    • Nevermind, solved it. compass orient has to be adjusted and it solved it.

      • Didn't want to open a new thread. Hopefully someone still reads it anyway...:)

        Is there a possibility to set a custom AHRS_Orientation value?

        For example, 12 degree pitch forward...Would like to tilt my motors for better forward flight capability but 45 degrees is a bit steep for that. :D

  • Developer

    Oh, and you could double check by looking at the raw x, y and z values coming out of the compass.  They're called mag_x, mag_y and mag_z and are visible from the mission planner's Flight Data screen's Status tab that is just below the HUD.  when you point the board north, I believe you will see a big Z, big X and zero Y value...i think.

  • Developer

    I'm not 100% sure but I don't think you need to change the compass orientation.  Changing the board orientation will handle that.

    As you say, I believe the compass-orient is only there for people who want to disable the onboard compass and use an external compass.

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