I am using v3.3 rc1 and I have no way of getting the collective pitch to go in the right direction as well as making the stick on my transmitter (Futaba) go the right direction without messing up the servo directions for the accelerometer outputs. So I reverse it in the parameters and all is golden except for the weird procedure I now have when arming the heli (collective full up and hold yaw right, turn on engine and then quickly collective full down).

So is there any other issue with doing that this way?

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  • No matter if I use Futaba or Graupner, I don't have any weird procedure arming the heli. I think you didn't do a proper setup. Make sure your RC-calibration works according to the manual, check inputs at RC-calibration or Fail-safe screen. If this is o.k. the collective direction at the heli setup screen will be fine as well and you can set servo directions.

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