Hi All,

Today I took my F450 for its first test flight ever, in Stabilize mode.   It was windy, gusting to 15 but it was OK except that the wind caused it to oscillate about 10 - 15 degrees. The wind was running left to right, quad was nose out, and the oscillations were on the AIL axis as you would expect from the crosswind.  In contrast, my buddy's Phantom 2 was pretty much perfect.

So my question is, how should I set the PID's to minimize the oscillations in Stabilize mode.  I do not have the values now - I can get them later when I hook the unit up.

Is there a way to read the flight logs to get some help?

As a side note, my ground station reports that the unit thinks the altitude was -2.9 meters while sitting on the ground with 3D lock on 10 satellites.  I am running a "M6N" level satellite, not that accurate for sure.

Thanks a lot!



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  • I did figure out that my PID's were way too high, way above default, so I set them back down and was able to eliminate the over-corrections.  Still could be a bit better so I will keep working it out.



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