APM 2.6 woes

Hi All,

I just received a new APM 2.6 and just about complete setting it up, however when I go to plug in the Power module I find that the Power module is a 6 pin and the PM port has only 5. I have looked around and this does not seem to appear on my other APM or any other image of the board I can find.

Have I been duped by the seller :(



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  • Probably a mistake in manufacturing. There is probably an easy work around. Please post close up photos so we can see which pin is missing.
    • Thanks for the quick reply mate. It does not appear to be a missing 'pin' but rather they have mixed up in making it. It looks as if they have put a Telem port there instead. The telem I have fits in both.


      I have contacted the seller and they have stated that this board is the same as the others they produce, however they also provided me with a 6 pin PM and state they dont make a 5 pin.


      I will post some close ups when I get home tonight. Might just need to unsolder and resolder pins there myself.


      Will wait for feedback before embarking on this however.

      • I meant missing a pin when comparing the bottom of the board. Please post photos of both sides of the board.
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