I put a (?) by 3.2 because I'm not 100% sure about version, but i'm hoping someone can show me where to find that :) Crashed quad, got busy with school and didn't have time to fix for a while... So here I am.

Hand-made quad w/ APM 2.6 w/ 3.2.0 (I think).

RL Control/5g8 vids/nothing really matters, this was APM based.......

Flight filming for a friend was great until descent for landing. Then weird stuff happened... Log confirms I was in stabilize mode coming in for landing. After leveling off @10ft or so throttle was NOT acting like it usually does (acting more like it would during alt hold/pos hold/etc). In other words, when I was finally able to get the heli on the ground and chopped the throttle, props did NOT stop as usual and quad did NOT comes to rest... IT WENT UP (and away from me) in a steady climb.... Fired RTL, of course it kept climbing for it's 40ft or whatever but seemed to be in good hands.... So I attempted to regain control in stabilize without success... APM gives up and quad falls to the Earth @10-20ft :( 

Roll and pitch control was limited. Throttle control was unresponsive. 

The logs seem to have some interested data..... specifically in the CTUN section. There was also something weird in ERR section that I do not know how to read.. If anyone has time or motivation, logs are attached. Described events are in the last 20% of the flight. Starting at line 10800 in logs.


*CTUN - ThrIn - has several drops to 0 (that don't happen previously in the flight) 

*GPS - wtf happend to all my gps stats. Look at 13246. Everything goes bonkers. This appears to be ON impact... so couldn't have been part of the problem right..?!?!

****VIDEO UPLOADING**** Discussion date/time + 2 hrs it should be live.


I love you all.


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  • Looks like a low battery to me. There's a battery failsafe at 6.5 minutes. The copter flies for another 5 minutes. The voltage momentarily goes be low 10 volts. Many ESCs are programmed to stop if voltage goes below 3.3 volts per cell. 9.9 volts. Your crash looks like a motor stopped because the ESC was protecting the lipo. It's best to program your ESC's in NIMH mode rather than Lipo mode. You're better off without the Lipo protection.

    Just a guess,



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