APM copter 3.3.3 Guided mode with companion computer

Hi all,

I have a trex450 conventional helicopter running a px4 with an intel edison as a companion computer. This system has a custom build linux ubilinux install and runs ROS Indigo and mavros. So far I have modified some of the mavros files to include the conventional helicopter frame type and the system functions well.

What I would like to know is, am I able to use the guided mode to set a position using say setpoint on mavlink and still use the onboard attitude control? Additionally, at the present I still have the GPS fitted however I have disabled this since I fly indoors and have vicon position data sent to my drone in the NED frame.

Ultimately what I would like to achieve is to be able to control both position and velocity through the guided mode to conduct some ground effect experiments. 

If anybody could be of assistance I would greatly appreciate it otherwise if this is to technical for this forum could you please point me in the right direction?


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