Last night I was trying to sort out a problem with telemetry data not feeding to my Minin OSD.  Yes, I had disconnected the USB cable and restarted everything.  I am running the latest version of MP and the latest version of APM:Plane firmware.  I fully configured and tested all functions of my MiniAPM and its working properly.  It just wouldn't let my MinimOSD get past the start screen.

I remembered that I had to go to an order APM:Plane firmware to my this work on my last plane so I tried to flash the board with APM Plane 2.78b.  It looked like all was going well until MP started loading the firmware.  It failed and now I cannot connect to the the APM.

I can see the COM port that it is connected to...something like "COM9 AT2560" and the APM is still fully functional in all flight modes....I just can't get MP to connect so I can't change anything.

Any ideas?

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