I am sure this question may have already been asked however, after reading up a bit I would like to know the difference between the mega 2560 and the APM2 plateform? The reason I ask is after looking at the schematics I don't see a lot of difference. I will assume the outputs are hooked to the digital pins that have PWM capability. I am still researching the inputs.

The reason I ask this question is I have a bunch of Mega 2560's floating around along with several GPS units and various other stuff such as Compass and Accelerometer Module and 3-AXIS Gyroscope. Is it feasibly possible to use these devices I already have and incorporate Arduplane 2.x software to it. It would be nice to use the stuff I already have instead of spending another $179.00



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  • Hi Ron!

    In my opinion it is possible. I did the same thing - reviewed schematics and tried to upload Arduplane 2.73 firmware to my mega 2560. Code loaded succesfully! I think that you can connect sensors to Arduino board and save 180$. The only thing you need are exactly the same sensors (if you do not want to modify software).


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