
I bought an APM with the DIY Magnetometer and the MB1200 Sonar, Soldered by myself. My TX is a MX-16 2,4ghz from Graupner. My ESCs are calibratet

So i used the MP to load the Code 2.1.0 For a Hexacopter (Flyduspider).

I testet the Components, and then i see, that the Compass in the GUI of the MP is spinning. I desoldered the Mag and saw, that its spinning too. So i soldered the Mag again and checked this Values in the CLI. With Declination, it seems to work, but my Compass / Yaw in the Gui is crazy spinning. My Alt is spinning too. ( The Baro is under a Cosmetic Pad, without any light.)

See it, in this Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9tT-VWrXo8

Nevermind...i tried to test the APM "in the loop" with the HIL. So i Loaded the Quad HIL Firmware, calibratet the radio and so on, and checked.....but i cant fly in Flightgear, because if i do a litttle steering of the Yaw, my virtual Copter is "nicking" in the YAW axes. Oscillating about 45° left and right. Its only in stable, RTL, Circle modes. in Acro all is okay, yaw is not hanging and spinning.

Realod of the Firmware - nothing happens. The Copter is still oscillating.

Then i testet the Motor Directions without Propellers. I saw, that - in stable mode - the Hexacopter is turning some Motors off in flight. I think its not okay. So if i touch the Yaw in this "hot test", my Yaw is hanging. E.G.: I tip the YAW full left, the Copter follows with the motors, but if i relase the Yaw Stick to middle, the Motors are spinning so, like i dont released the YAW, also Full left Yaw....what the hell?

I reloaded the FW many Times, calibratet su much things. but now, i dont know....

My last question: If i load the FW over the USB adapter, my Mega is not changing the FW. MUST i do this with the FDTI adapter without oilpan, or should it work over the usb port ?

i hope u can help me, i would like to fly my Spider soon...btw, sorry for my bad english, its not my native language.



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  • 100KM

    I looked at the video.  Doesn't look good...  You'll need a step by step approach to find this one I think.

    Try with gps and sonar disconnected and compass turned off in software.

    Did you arm motors ?  baro and gyro's are only initialised when you arm motors.

    Also, like Jason said, try the tests in the CLI.  If you test compass in CLI, does it also give random values without moving the copter ?

  • 100KM

    Yaw "hanging" seems normal to me if you did not spin the copter.  With yaw you instructed copter to turn.  It tried to by changing motors, but because there are not props, it doesn't turn.  When you release sticks, the copter still hasn't turned (as you instructed) so it keeps trying to turn.  It's like heading hold on a helicopter.

    Can you tell me more about the motors being turned off in "flight" ?  What precisely do you do to get it to turn of some motors ?  

  • Developer

    I'll try and help.

    First, the mission planner is great, but you don't actually need it to set up Arducopter. It has a lot of functionality and you can get confused if you use jump into things and play around. 

    - I would not get into a habit of unsoldering the compass. Thats a fast way to ruin it. The pads will heat right off and you'll be out some money there.

    - You must get your radio/ESC's calibrated, motor wires connected properly and Motors spinning correctly, etc. If your airframe is not properly assembled and running, tweaking the software is not going to help. 

    I prefer the CLI to set things up, but you must follow the Wiki closely. Many steps are dependant.


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