I've had trouble getting local position data (North , East, Down) from my copter with the new 3.5.0 firmware. I was able to access it with the 3.4.6 firmware version just fine. 

I'm using an optical flow and LIDAR if that makes any details different with getting local position. Note that I was also using the same optical flow and LIDAR sensor in 3.4.6 where i was getting local position. 

Attached are my current parameters for the UAV. I've tried simply a reset to default, for the parameters in mission planner and attempted to get local position data and no luck. 

Is this a potential bug in 3.5.0? Or is there a detail in accessing the local position data that has changed?


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  • Just to clarify, we are using the 3DR Python module Dronekit to connect to the vehicle and get the local position data while its disarmed. 

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