Barometer Sensivity

Morning all,


Does the below tuning image seem ok for a barometer covered with foam on an APM1.  I want to try loiter, but this tuning graph seems too inaccurate to to bother trying....  The copter is currently just sitting on my bench....



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  • Uh, no I think that's fine.  Look at the units on the left side.  Between 0.030 to 0.050.  That chart automatically zooms in to show the error.  I believe that is in centimeters so the error shown is really very small.

    Do that test again, this time leave it on the floor for several seconds, then lift it to shoulder height and hold for several seconds. Then put it back on the floor and hold.  Now the graph will zoom out to show the 1m excursion, and hopefully you should see the error is actually relatively quite small.

    The barometer on the APM1.4 is absolutely good enough to Loiter with.  Maybe not auto-land, but loiter, yes.

  • Yes the baro of apm 1 is not accurate enought for loiter on a copter. Pls use mb1200 sonar. Also be sure to power your APM with a seperate esc beceause otherwise you will have to much noice in your sonar.

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