Call to endorse the White House Open UAV Petition

Do you want the government to do they job they said they would do in regards to multirotor regulation? Help let the White House know that we want this expedited so that we can continue to innovate and use these technologies in the public service and business sectors.

Link to sign the petition: 

The text of the petition:
Protect the rights of civilians and organizations to fly model aircraft for personal, public service and commercial use.
The people of the United States have been the drivers of technology for the majority of the last century. But now, unnecessary and unsubstantiated roadblocks threaten and prevent our domestic advancement in unmanned aerial technology. The technologies in these systems enables their everyday use for a variety of applications.

Many public services, technology/content providers, and numerous business sectors stand to benefit greatly from the ability to operate such devices.

To be sure, like many other devices and technology, these systems can cause damage if used irresponsibly. However, like cameras, cars and firearms, the benefits to both public and commercial interests far outweigh the negatives.

We ask for timely workable rules so that we can continue to lead innovation in this field.

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