Cheap Arduino Drone Project

Hi there  :)  ,

Right now, I am busy on a project, called "The HoboDrone" to make a cheap ass drone.
It is my intention to make a DIY guide for everyone.

The next problem that need to be solved right now in my project, is to process all information that comes and goes through this drone, through the Arduino.

My question is if it's possible that an Arduino handles next tasks/can deliver enough CPU-power for:

- Reading the sensors
- Run the code to stabilize the drone
- Control the electromotors (output from stabilizing code)
- Get input through RC-signals and control the electomotors

I did not start writing the code for stabilizing the drone, but there are plenty of examples out there, like the bluecopter:
(This code doesn't deal with RC-input from a controller on the ground)

I have read a similar DIY project which used a coöperation between an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi, where both took care of their parts of the code.

Is it possible to only use an Arduino in a Drone, like the Due, or should I work in the direction of a coöperation between an Arduino and Raspberry Pi ?

Thanks in advance!

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