Developer Drone for Security Measures Testing

I just got involved with a research project to develop security measures for drone clusters against cyber threats (denial of service, infromation theft, ect.) There is a need to test the sercurity alogriths on flight capable drones.

It would be preferrable to use a drone with open source, well documented SDK and one that accurately represents current trends in drones (AMP vs other?, Companion Computers vs. No?, Popular SDK?).

Ideally the drone would be ready to fly and there would be minimal involvment with autopilot/flight hardware and software.

So far I have been looking into Sola drone with DroneKit or Erle-copter with ROS. Can anyone give additional information on these models or perhaps recommended a better choice?

I apologize for such a broad question, but I am very new to drones in general and any suggestions or additional information would be a HUGE help!l

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