Elimnated Jello on my videos by changing RATE_P

I just upgraded to SimonK flashed ESCs and my videos were coming out completely jelloed, really bad. Rebalanced props and motors, got a little bit better. Almost ready to give up, but tried turning down the P rate down and boom, jello gone. I went from a P of 0.175 to about 0.109

As I was ready to give up I started reading the turning guide....

RATE_P: The most important value! This gain controls how much thrust you need to output to achieve the desired rate of rotation.  High thrust/weight copters will require a lower value, lower thrust/weight will require a higher value. A too-high value will oscillate around 5-10hz.

I started thinking that 5-10hz oscillation might be the culprit, and it was! It wasn't noticeable when holding it in your hand with power and  not in the air, only in the video.

The camera I'm using is the Sony WX150, I chose this camera because it doesn't have the fish eye that my GoPro HD has, and it's cheaper than the RX100. But I do want a RX100 when the price goes below $300.


I hope this might help others in their persuit of clear photos and jello free video

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  • Great suggestion.

    Just put this tip on the ArduCopter Wiki Camera Gimbal section.

  • thanx for the info.

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