Esa unstable after 5 min

Hi. Today I tried to raise my esacottero but as always just overcome the 4-5 minutes of flight when it is perfectly stable, it is beginning to bear alone the repercussions that gradually increases in these times to make him overthrow and then force me to close all with the battery still charged. I just can not understand why. It is based on a card APM 2.5 and all tried mode stabilize and 3-cell battery from 5000. Do you know if there is any parameter to be changed by mission planners to avoid this problem?

Practically when the battery is about 3.8v per cell begins to make these setbacks, however, since in 4.2 through 3.8 works perfectly. I tried to wait an hour to see if it's any engine or component that heats up but nothing just piecing the battery begins to make these setbacks as soon as he gets up from the ground. Now I wanted to try to see through the log if there is any abnormality but do not understand where I have to look.

Thank you

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