FPV questions

Hey all. I'm a freshman (soon to be sophomore) AerE looking to make my own UAV. I'm planning on running this project in multiple stages, starting with getting a NexSTAR EP ( http://www.towerhobbies.com/products/hobbico/hcaa09.htm ) fitted with a quality FPV system (was considering Future Hobbies FHV 2.4 1000 - http://futurehobbies.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=72&category_id=14&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=53 - thoughts?).The FPV system I am considering comes with an RCA cable. Does this mean that I should be able to plug it into a laptop and view the video feed there, or are there other things I'll need to look into? What programs should I be using for simple FPV before I start bringing in autopilot and GPS systems? Hell, am I even on the right track?Thanks,Adam Kaplan

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