Frustration with connecting pixhawk to RFD 900

I am new to this stuff but more then willing to learn but I have become frustrated with finding clear information on what needs to be done to connect the 5pin rfd900 to the 6 pin telemetry port. I have read the forums and searched the internet and have found pin locations for pixhawk and RFd but am confused I guess on how to go about soldering up a connection or is there a simpler way I am just missing. I am asking for some direction on how to approach this before I start shorting out stuff or breaking things. Any help or direction would be appreciated.ThanksT.H.

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  • Well it was pretty straight forward. RFD has an RFD900 to Pixhawk cable at the link below.

    Downloads for the configuration tool and the datasheet is at the link below.

    RFD900u to Pixhawk cable
    RFDesign designs and manufactures the Antennas, RF Electronics and the RFD900 radio modem
  • I just bought a pair of these radios and will be connecting them this week so I'll be in touch. Wow, this community is a bit quiet sometimes. Did you get yours in the air?

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