GCS Failsafe Triggering RTL's ???

Hi All,

This weekend I flew my first Auto Mission, Yay!@@

It was a simple one and I just hovered in Stabilize and then flipped into Auto.  After that worked well I attempted Auto-Tune, but it never finished as my GCS voice said "Loading RTL", and then the hex did an RTL.  I also had several other occasions during the day that the same thing happened.  I was having problems with my GCS losing the link that may have been due to some pressure on the micro USB connector on the tablet.  The ONLY FailSafe I had on was the GCS failsafe.

I did go into the logs with a filter for "ERR" but only saw code 5 and 6, neither of which was the GCS Failsafe triggering, so my question is:

How can I read the logs to see what was triggering the Failsafe RTL's I was getting?

Here are the log files... log files

The last, and smaller, file has me attempting Auto Tune only to have it abort with a RTL.

If somebody could, would you please take a peek at the logs to find out what was triggering the RTL's?  I would love to know how to choose the params to graph and filter, etc to be able to see that.

Thanks a lot in advance for any help or advice!



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