Something i would like to add to my AGV is to the ability to tell it to go 100 ft forward on your current heading, or 50 feet at the heading of 60. So i wanted to ask if there was a formula for this before i make it myself. Basically what i am looking for is a formula that given the current gps location, a distance to the next wanted to gps point (say 100ft) and then the heading to get to the point. Instead of finding the distance between 2 points and the heading. I want to find point A knowing point B, the distance, and heading. Do you know of such a formula, it seems like it wouldnt be that hard for me to work backwards to get the formula. Like i said, just asking before i sit down with pad and paper and work on it.

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  • yeah, this took me a while to figure out, too.

    The ardupilot code has some routines that provide inspiration, I've attached my own (crappy but functional) code that runs on an Ardupilot. It's also got a routine that works out direction and distance.

    The hardest thing I found was visualizing the coordinate system. X coordinates work differently at various latitudes and you have to scale degrees by the Cosine of the Lat. Also, when you work with angles, things like Cos and Tan work from a "zero" that is 90 degrees out from regular North/South bearings. Urgh.

    Anyway, I hope this helps.

  • 3D Robotics
    All the math you need is here.
    Calculate distance and bearing between two Latitude/Longitude points using haversine formula in Jav…
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