Graupner MX-12, MX-20 PPM output

Hi All,

I'm new here and totally new to drones. To give a little background, I'm a Science Teacher in Australia. I have just started to teach a STEM subject to year 7 and 8 students, and as part of this I am building drones. I have no experience with drones, and after purchasing a lot of good quality second hand equipment from a local business, he has closed up shop to sail around the world, so I have lost my support.

So my question is this. I have Graupner RCs - MX-12 and MX-20 with Graupner Receivers GR-18 and GR24L.

I have been recommended the following flight controllers and GPS module (remembering that I am on a budget being a public school):

When I asked about the compatability of my RCs and Receivers with these units, I received the following response:

"The beta flight FC wont accept PWW, that being one signal per cable. This is very old fashioned now and you wont find many that will. 
The rc will have to output PPM or sbus. Are they capable of this ? 
The other option is to use something like an XJT module . This will allow you to use all the Frsky receivers . This is by far the best option to ensure full compatibility and should just plug into the module bay on the back of your radio."

From what I have read, the Graupner remotes will produce PPM. Can someone verify this and tell me if I will have compatability issues with the above. If configuration is necessary, can someone give me step by step set up? The RCs have been used previously with MikroKopter FCs.
Thanks in Advance

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  • ok, I see you are not using ardupilot, that was for bringing essentcial telemetry and warnings right to your RC controller.  

  • Thanks Andre K.

    That's good to know. I had a look at the link, and at this point, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. However, I'm sure with time I'll work it out.

  • Yes, among other, they can output PPM, all you mentioned can do that as well as GR-16
    GR-12L (light) is an exception.
    Be sure to check out
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