Help with Hex Crash

We we're doing an auto flight this past Friday with our 3DR Hex.  We noticed the altitude started climbing (all waypoints were set to 50ft) and transitioned to loiter to bring it back down slowly.  This worked fine and we got back down to around 50ft.  At that point we intended to goto RTL to bring it back (hadn't tried RTL in 2.9 yet and were curious to see the more graceful landing), but it started drifting out of position.  It lost altitude as it seemed to enter an circular pattern with a constantly increasing radius.  So really we had two issues we're trying to understand.  Why did it increase in altitude during the auto flight, and why was it not able to hold position in loiter after decending back to 50 feet?  Any help is much appreciated!  Here is the log file:




This is what it looked like after impact:



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  • I had a very similar crash 3 days ago with Arducopter 2.9.1. It also started to circle and loosing altitude resulting in a bad crash.. Here is the flight path and log. 


    A more detailed explanation and pictures can be found at:

    2013-02-24 08-23 3.log

  • There is a problem in the code somewhere and the silence from the developers on all the similar crashes that are happening is deafening.

    I had 2 similar crashes in 2 days, but mine actually went out of control with an uncommanded Land.

    Can you post the logs from the copter, as they should tell more than your tlogs.

    It would also be a good idea to update to 2.9.1

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