I have my APM 2.0 for 1 week but no flight yet :)

Hi to all!

After reading a ton in DIYdrones I now have my Bixler + APM 2.0 (it came soldered) with an external GPS.

I mounted all in a great way by putting the APM above the battery. I also opened a rear hole to plug the mini USB cable without removing the setup each time I want to connect to Mission Planner. 

Here ase some photos:



I connected to AMP 2.0 uploaded Arduplane 2.40 via Mission Planner 1.1.93 mav 1.0.

I followed all instructions here http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/wiki/APM2Quick.

I managed to setup 6 flight modes (Turnigy 9x), I downloaded Bixler config file from here http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/wiki/ConfigFiles and I even created a GeoFence, I uploaded it and got a "Guided mode" on the ground. Wow, in theory I would be ready to train myself with a very secure flight :)

Here comes the problem:

Manual mode works fine but not Stabilize or RTL.

When I switch to Stabilize or RTL I have my motor spinning. Same results before or after writing Bixler.param.  In stabilize I observed the behavior of the control surfaces and they move to return the plane to level when you pitch or roll it but motor keeps running until you go back to Manual mode.

Went to CLI setup>reset then write again params, reset APM but problem remains. 

Wrote again 2.40 to APM but same results.

I am fighting with this for the last week. 

Any ideas (even thoughts) ???

By the way Chris, AMP rocks :)



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