
This is how you modify Ardurino code for custom irregular shaped ships. There is no need to modify code for a ship with a frame that is laid out like a:

- coaxial triangle

- square or rectangle

- regular hexagon

- regular octagon

Sometimes even if the shape does deviate from normal, normal setting might be close enough and can be fixed by customizing the roll from pitch PIDs.

But if not, this shows how to alter the code. 

The CAD Design Worksheets, show how to alter the code for your special shape.

Note: The V shape frame "standards" also offered in MP setup are for one specific aspect ratio of front to back width so if you have a V, it may or may not work well with what is offered. It is hoped that someday, these parameters will become variables that we can change in MP directly so we don't have to maintain our own code. But until then ...


Custom Arduino Code Wiki Draft.docx

Custom Octa CAD.xlsm

Custom Quad CAD.xlsm

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  • @Forest, Thank you!

    If I change from ardupilot to Pixhawk do you have experience?

    Any How too for compiling and changes of codes from your CAD.xlsm file?

    • MR60

      no real difference in the process between Pixhawk and APM.

      just follow the attached wiki draft above. if i misunderstood your second question, let me know.

      • ok, that means i can still use the ArduPilot-Arduino-1.0.3 

        Firmware Compiler to make the motor code changes from the cad.xlsm file and upload it to the pixhawk?

        • MR60

          yes ... follow the directions c

          • I got my new pixhawk now and updated the firmware to 3.3.3. but I can not find the source code zip file arducopter 3.3.3  for modifying of the apm_config.h. and app_motorquads.cpp.

            any help appreciated.

            Further on if i have changed this file i can just connect the pixhawk and compile the 2 files in arduino direct to the pixhawk is that correct?

            I configured my quad as the file below do you think it is ok?Mearsures are in cm.


            • MR60

              yes, it looks great.

              what i'd recommend is that you try the standard firmware for a regular X. Disassociate the PIDs for X and Y. Tune Roll and Pitch to separate values. There should only be a 15% impact on roll when you yaw, which won't be that noticeable.

              if it is noticeable, then try the spider config and return the PIDs. I really don't think you need to recompile special code for that shape quad.

              • Thank you Forrest, the frame is ready now according to your great support!


                • MR60

                  Absolutely unreal ... superb weight. Beautiful. You really do nice work.

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