JSBSim Flight Model Software with Simulink

It has been awhile since there has been a significant update for the JSBSim Sfunction project, but finally we are pretty close to a new release that has some cool new features.  The most significant of these is the addition of the FlightViz 3d visualization tool as well as a new tabbed GUI with multiple panes. 


Once the project is ready for release, more details will be posted here.



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  • Hi Brian, can JSBSim be used to simulate quadrocopters? Can brushless propellers be simulated (JSBSim's flyer says nothing about it).

    I'm looking for a way to simulate and visualize a quadrotor equipped with many sensors to be able to design a FCS basing mainly on visual input. I've currently been (and still am) reading about ROS and Player/Stage and still don't know which would be the one I should take.
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