Large Multirotor for Rental?

Hello all. I'm researching a project for work and we may need to rent a large (2M wide or larger) multi-rotor (assuming octorotor) for an evening in the last week of October in the Los Angeles area.

Anyone know of a good place to rent one? It's probably outside of our budget to buy one outright.



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  • Thanks for the offers of the custom build. We already spoke to a company about the build an it is indeed out of our budget for this phase of the project. Again, this is all proof of concept stuff. 


  • My business partner is in Hollywood. I sent you a PM also.
  • I have a 24" arm length quad, it is big and flies very stable.

    It looks like a mothership when its in the air. Very stable and huge. It has some lights too.

    not 2m but getting close.

    I won't rent it for the reasons above. And to get me out there to fly for you would be about the same as buying it anyway.

    I would love to help if you want to get a frame from me and build it, or I can ship a ready one. Thanks for asking.

    no illegal shenanigans.

  • T3

    I'd love to build one custom for you, but there is no way I could do it by the end of October.  Plus even with the easy requirements (no lifting capacity, and I'm assuming long endurance isn't desired either), it would almost certainly be over your budget.

  • Hey, I need a huge "octorotor" (sic) and pilot for a vague, undefined nighttime operation in a major metro area....

    Sounds like maybe an FAA or DHS or such troll to me. So we're to give this guy a list of everyone we know in the LA area who owns a large multi and is willing to ignore the non-commercial use regs?  I know,  I know, paranoia ...

    • Haha, I can totally see how you would be suspicious. Unfortunately I can't give out any details on the project but I assure you it's legit.

  • There really are no copter of that size in use. Maybe a few prototypes worldwide. A "big" copter is about 1m across. The biggest you can buy, that I am aware of, is the foxtech kraken.

  • I think you would be much better off hiring the services of somebody with a machine that can do what you need.  I don't think you'll find anybody that would rent a machine like that out, as the risk is too great.

    That being said, I don't even know of anybody making a machine that big. Biggest I've seen is 1.5m, and these are very rare, and I haven't even seen them "working" yet.   What are you trying to lift?

    • Thanks Rob, yes it would most definitely be a hire the pilot with the machine type of situation. We aren't trying to lift anything...more prove some visual things based on sizes of the machines. 

      Thanks for the response.


      • if is something with a visual and not lifting, then you can use a small 350 size drone (e.g. Phantome) and add a cross behind the quad with the size you want, (2M wide or larger) to simulate the octorotor.

        you can create that cross from polistiren or balsa painted in desired color.

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