
With everything updated firmware and MP (arduplane) now I'm geting this error when I try to geotag the pictures via TIME OFFSET. I've done this many times and never had this error before. 

First Picture IMG_0035with DateTime: 2014:06:05 17:04:40
First GPS Log Msg: 2014:06:05 16:52:31
Offset around : 728,289

Reading log for GPS-ATT Messages
Read images
Images read : 341
File time not found in Log.  Aborting..... 
File time not found in Log? 
Can someone point me whats wrong here? 

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  • Developer

    The new version still has the error.

    And with CAM Messages I have another error, 

    Log Read with - 100 - CAM Messages found
    Read images
    Images read : 386
    CAM Msgs and Files discrepancy. Check it! Aborting.....

    Don't know what this means since the offset is very nice.

  • Developer

    Found that this is a BUG. Installer an earlier version of MP and it worked fine, installed again the latest and tested with many logs in geotag tool, all with the same error.

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