Hi All,

So ill get straight to the question:

Is there any way to have manual control over the yaw axis whilst my hexacopter is completing a mission in auto mode?

Im running a APM 2.5 board with the latest V3.1.3 firmware on my DIY hexacopter, only recently have I succeeded in finally obtaining the perfect footage for areal video and im trying to improve my skills flying fpv to get the perfect shot.

I have a situation coming up where I would like to fly along a curving flight path for around 100-200m whilst filming the scenery below and to the sides.

Obviously controlling both the hexa's direction, speed, altitude and yaw angle as well as controlling the gimbal is quite a handful for one person, so I was wondering if I could create a waypoint mission so my hexa would fly along the correct arc and take care of its own altitude whilst I control the yaw of the hexa and the pitch of the camera gimbal to point the camera in the best direction.

Note: I my gimbal is only a 2 axis setup so I don't have a third axis for yaw that I could use whilst the copter completes its mission.

I hope someone can help me out and would appreciate other peoples advice on how to best solve this problem



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  • I did some digging and figured out the steps to make this work:

    If you set WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR to 0 then APM will not adjust yaw at all based on waypoints. I haven't tried it in conjunction with ROI or setting yaw in a command... my guess it in those instances RC input is not honored (which is fine for my purposes)

    So steps to do a cable cam-ish flight with APM:
    1.) Plan out your path and upload waypoints, set speed, etc to the drone
    2.) Set the WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR parameter to 0 and upload the changed parameter
    3.) Fly your mission and manually control yaw and gimbal for your desired shot.

    Hope this is helpful for others looking to do this.

  • Anyone have any ideas?

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