Mission Planner/Config software comparison

Newbie here.  First time using APM (Pixhawk) and doing any fully autonomous flight. 

Any help on the differences between the various PC/Mac/tablet applications?  APM Planner vs Mission Planner vs Droid Planner vs Andropilot etc..  What are the capabilities, ideal use cases, how is it related to Mavlink. If there is a page or forum thread that summarizes this, beyond the basic 3dr page (http://3drobotics.com/landing-software/), I haven't found it yet.

First thing I want is to simply reverse my servo directions in APM Planner but have no setting or screen that looks like it does on the following page;


Thanks, Mike

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  • Developer

    Do you see the huge note in your link?

    ArduPlane Instruction

    June 2013 UPDATE: The ArduPilot manual has now moved here. The manuals here are for legacy hardware and will no longer by updated or maintained.

    • Craig,  I must have missed, and still am missing, the huge note in my link.  In fact, the ArduPlane Instruction page you reference is the first time I've seen it, since my interest right now is not in fixed wing.  I'll give you this, for the sake of my question, plane vs. multirotor may not even matter b/c I'm looking for a comparison of the different flight planner applications.  I'm asking here b/c I thought this was a support and knowledge sharing community. 

      • Developer

        Anyway that reverse function was removed from the planner months ago.

        Please see Ardupilot.com for information about the various GCS options

      • [edit] I see which link you're talking about Craig.  I shouldn't have even added that to this forum topic post as it's really a separate question, and just an example of a problem I was troubleshooting at the time.  I will remove it.

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