Mission Planner info Displayed on Physical Gauges

Good evening guys, 

Forgive me if im posting in the wrong place.

Im looking for a way to display information onto a physical analogue gauge.

I have a few old tachometer gauges that i can modify to work from my arduino micro.

What i need is info on some way of extracting values from mission planner ..lets say the rate of climb or airspeed and display it on a physical instrument 

(im building an FPV cockpit for myself)




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  • Do not involve mission planner unless you desire extra lag lock-in provided by windows.
    Use a mavlink library, and listen to the telemetry data directly. It's simple, and you'll find several projects that already does most of the job, minimosd is iona of them.
    • excellent! that is a much better idea! thanks Andre, i will look around for that specifically and post updates as i make them :)

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