mode change problem

i have been trying to change the modes to Pos Hold, Loiter and RTL in the flight mode section of he APM.

playing with only three different mode at a time, using a three way switch on the Futaba (Channel 5) and assigning three different channel 5 switch setting value to the two options on the APM flight mode drop down options, meaning using lets say Stabilize for the drop down setting 1,2, Alt Hold for 3,4 and RTL for 5,6, I only get Stabilize and Alt Hold?!

tried playing around with Loiter, RTL, Pos Hold in different drop down settings but only Stabilize and ALT Hold seems to be acepted.

for Loiter, POS Hold and RTL, it either ignore the setting and when flipping the switch, it only changes the mode to Stabilize or in say UNKNOWN, POS Hold, RTL and Loiter is just ignored!

have been really hammering this wiki but could not find any thing yet. any help would be appreciated.

mode change problem.jpg

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  • Hi

    having problem with 'POS HOLD' !

    when this mode is selected, it says unknown in the mission planner?!

    any ideas?

  • Tried and worked perfect
  • Thanks Chris
    Do you mean when indoor running APM flight mode I still need to have a GPS lock?
    It does not makes sense to have a GPS lock when setting up the flight modes when indoor!
    Outdoor yes i do get a GPS lock, but this mode change inconsistency happens when indoor, batteries are out, Board connected to PC via USB and just playing around with modes, trying to see if mission planner responds to Radio controller
  • 3D Robotics

    Do you have GPS lock? I don't think it will accept auto modes if you don't

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