Motor Problems?

I have been flying the quad here and there when the weather allows it.  I have had this problem happen twice and I can't find how to fix it. 

About two weeks ago I set everything at home and then went out to fly and one motor would not start up.  I get back home and hook the computer back and then it starts working. 

This morning. I set everything last night to come out and try some stuff before the storms hit.  I get to the feild and the same motor will not work.  Then I hooked up the computer and calibrated the radio and everything again.  Tried to arm the motors and then only the front two motors worked. 

Why is this happening once in awhile?

3dr Quad



Mission planner is 1.1.73 ( I have not updated yet since I have been out.)

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  • The GPS test did rather well.  I had 10-11 sats the whole time.  I think it just went way to fast and overshot and with me trying to correct it and get it back didn't help.  Next test will be in the open field.

  • Well made it out to fly and was really bad. 

    Would not really takeoff by it self and then when switched to auto it took off torwards the targed overshot and then started to come back.  Needless to say it hit a power line.  But when it when to the first target it took off faster than I have ever seen it go and it took a large dip.

  • I'm seeing this too in my Hexa with APM 2.0.  It seems to be that the ESCs are jumping into program mode on boot, and then depending on how log it takes the APM to start sending PWMs out, some of the ESCs get hung up. APM 2.0 has a known problem they require a reset to boot when first powering up which contributes to my delay but again, the other part of the problem is the firmware sequence happing inside of the ESCs.

    For example, yesterday:

    Attempt 1: plug in battery, hit reset, leds blink normally, arm it, red LED solid, motors do not spin. Unplug battery.

    Attempt 2: plug in battery, hit reset faster, arm it, only 2 of the six motors spin

    Attempt 3: plug in battery, wait for ESCs to beep, then hit reset, arm, fly normally

    I know I have APM 2.0 and you have APM 1 but the common thing is these 20AMP ESCs and I can see already the firmware is not optimal for our use. We really need a set it once firmware for the ESC and not have this bootup training sequence for normal flights. I have to think this same bug could occur even in normal RC usage. I know APM 1 and 2 are slightly different but I have strong feeling our problems are very related because it's the way the ESC firmware boots. There is a very short time window and the APM has to output just the right signal at the right time or else the ESCs will not work.

  • is the esc making any noise when this happens.



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