Motor Spin Problem

Hi All,

I am disarming after 3 minutes run at ground and motors are getting little hard to spin by hand. I think it is normal. Am I right?

I am rearming after about 2 or 3 seconds and sometimes randomly one motor is not spinning. If I give a little touch by hand before giving thorttle or apply little yaw after giving throttle it is spinning. By the way escs are calibrated. Is it normal? Or what could be the error?

After a little moment motors is getting normal to spin by hand not showing resistance.

Thanks for help.
Best Regards. 

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  • Gokmen,

    no, I don't believe this behavior is normal.

    From your description, it sounds like a simple issue of dirty motor bearings.  If you do a search on Google/YouTube, you can find good information on cleaning and lubricating them.  

    For the record; I favor "Super Lube Synthetic with PTFE".

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