Need help with ESCs

Hey all,

     I've been working on my first DIY quadcopter and I have pretty much everything in order so far except that I can't get my motors to turn on! I'm using a custom Arduino flight controller running MultiWii and I'm able to get the gyro/accelerometer readout just fine and I can see the response for the controller outputs (aka throttle, roll, pitch, etc). HOWEVER, when I try to use MultiWii's motor test nothing happens. Earlier along in my building process I manually connected my ESCs to the throttle port of the receiver and they worked perfectly fine. I have zero clue what I changed. When I plug everything in and get my controller connected, I hear the ESCs beep in sequential order (the first one gives one beep, the second gives two, and so on) but then they just go into a cycle of beeping that goes no where. Here's the tech I'm working with:

-DIY Arduino flight controller running MultiWii

-Spektrum DX6e controller with Spektrum AR610 6ch receiver

-GARTT 12A Simon ESCs

-GARTT 2300 kv motors

-11.1V 40C LiPo 1500 mAh battery

This being my first quad, I haven't had a ton of drone-building experience so I would really appreciate any help I can get!

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