need help with Xbee Pro 900

Hi newbie need some help.

I have XBee Pro 900 RPSMA for ground and Arducopter from spark fun both(sku: WRL-09099). When i'm push test/query it show

Modem type = XBP09-DM

Modem firmware version = 8044

then in Modem config I have write

Modem : XBP09-DM

Function : XBEE-Pro DIGIMESH 900

But in Ardu IDE Serial Monitor not show anything but scroll is running like set wrong buad rate and in terminal of X-CTU it show only ............. I'm sure to config true buad rate for both. I'm try to write XBP09-DP and XSC but result is the same.I tried all the way i can T T. What and where i missed.Help me please.

Best reguard and thank everybody for hard work.





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  • Riccardo Kuebler


    Okay. Thank you very much for your reply and help.

  • Thank you Johann and Ricardo.

    I follow your guide everything But now it still not work and result as the same.


    now i have one question about Xbee Adapter that connect to APM Shield It must be

    XtreamBee Board or Adrafuit ???.

     because now I'm use "XBee Explorer Regulated" from sparkfun connect XBee to APM Shield.


    Is that real problem ?


    I'm really newbie and so sorry if my english made you confused.



    Best Regard


  • Woranon,


    some time ago I wrote a guide on setting Xbees for UavDevBoard. Programming it is the same, only change baudrate.

    Just in the case it would help.



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