Neo M8T Ublox Parameter and Pixhawk settings

Since a couple of days I have trouble to get my GPS unit running with the Pixhawk.

I've purchased the Neo M8T from CSG-Shop.

NEO-M8T Time & RAW Triple Band EMI protection +HMC5983 XXL version 

Unfortunately CSG Shop doesnt really support their customers. 

I hope someone of you is using the same unit and could help me.

When I connect the GPS unit to the pixhawk, the mission planner goes from Sat status 0 to 1, and the HDOP is 99.99.

I've left the powered drone more than half an hour outside but nothing changed.

I would really apreciate help!  

Thank you so much!



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  • Hi Michael,

    I have the same GPS and it works very good with Pixhawk/APM !

    Did you change the configuration with u-center ? I can give you my configuration if you want !


    • That would be awesome! Can you send it to me via email?

      Thank you so much for your help!!

      Cheers Michael

      • I give you my setup here (for multicopter, not plane), this could be used and improved by other people :

        U-center :

        Dynamic Model = 3 - Pedestrian

        Target = 1 - UART1
        Protocol in = 0+1 - UBX+NMEA
        Protocol out = 0 - UBX
        Baudrate = 38400

        Measurement Period = 200 ms
        Measurement Frequency = 5.00 Hz

        Mission Planner :

        GPS_TYPE = 2 (uBlox)

        Just a question, do you see the satellites with u-center ?


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