Optic Flow Loiter - Problems and How to Tune it

The video below shows the problem I'm having with my optic flow loiter.  I'd like to tune this oscillation out before I get into gps loiter testing, so I can isolate (to the best of my ability) the error due to gps inaccuracies rather than problems in the micro controller settings.

I've adjusted the loiter PIDs and spent hours trying to fix the problem and it looks like it's having no affect.  I think it looks like I'm simply underdamped in the lateral axis, but I'm not sure how to damp this oscillation out, and I'm not an expert in flying qualities or control systems, so I need some help.  Any ideas?

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  • I'm setting up optical flow on my quad, but can't find any instructions in the Wiki or forum other than "don't use it yet, it's not ready". How much configuration/tuning have you put into it so far?

    Maybe I can help you tune yours once I've tested mine.

  • Hey, all, still looking for help on this.  It's really brought my progress to a halt.  Anyone with experience tuning of_loiter, please, throw me a bone.

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