Parachute deployment freefall payload

Hello friends,

First of all, I don't really know in which category could be assigned this post, if you do so, please tell me and I'll modify it.

So, I'm planning to send a payload to nearspace with a Helium balloon. All powered with an APM sending telemetry to ground via Orangerx 1W transmitters.

I've almost everything ready and now I'm planning the freefall descent.

The best way I've think to do it is just freefall from nearspace (30000m+-) until a determined altitude (let's say 200m) and then deploy the parachute automatically.

So the APM it's the best way to do all the ''flight''. BUT, I'm having some issues to program that automatically deployment.

I've read about the command parameters: 



The relay part is solved. I've the relay working perfectly with my RC channel 7.

So I'm asking you to help me with the mission planning to let the payload make a mission like if it was taking off, then flying until the moment the balloon burst and then at a determined altitude, the apm activates the relay.

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