pixhawk compass calibration problem

I have just acquired the Pixhawk flight controller and i did the firmware download (X frame 3.1.5 realese) all the set up and calibration and everything went ok except the compass calibration. I selected the compass calibration tab on the mission planner (latest version), select manual calibration, clicked live calibration and rotate the copter on all the axis as per instructions. The values in the beginning are 158 0 and they stay this way, also the box on the screen shows data acquisition but it always says more data needed. If i press done it tells me that calibration will have missing data GPS is U Blox Lea i got with the Pixhawk.

compass offset in full parameter list are x -77,  y 10, z -19

compass offset 2 (?)  -340,  -5,  133

Please let me know a possible solution Thank you

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  • Glad you fixed the problem, I'm fixed mine now and waiting on some above freezing weather to go flying and check it out.
  • Angelo,

        I have had problems with compass cal on my Pixhawk running 3.2 (Pre-arm check compass cal error) until I did the cal on a Windows machine using Mission Planner and not on my Mac using APM Planner 2.0.  For some reason I could not get a good cal on the Mac.


    • I run windows and i had that problem, it's ok now  , for some reason i was able to calibrate the compass after several attempts


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