hello. I'm have a problem with copter I putting together.
The project was going good at the start, just small problems and mistakes to be overcome. I expected things like that, I'd put it as part of the learning curve.I'm new to this, so all the problems was exciting.
During the build and testing of the motors, there were no issues with the motors spinning up. I would have the hexacopter on a test stand, without the props and connect to a servo tester. I ran the motor to get the rotation direction and to balance them. The test were without issues during which I could throttle up to 40% to 50% and the rpm were so much that I were afraid it would take flight right then and there, and this without props.Later on the test stand I installed the props and the same results.
I'd move to a local field expecting to experience the joy of my first hover. But,now the motors will spin up only a friction of before. While trying to get it off the ground one of the 30a esc's burnt out, taking the connected motor with it. I'd replace the motor and all the esc's(with 40amp).
The problem remains, not enough rpm's to get lift. I would be thankful for any help figuring out what the problem is. I research this setup and it should have enough power to generate lift.

I'll list my set-up below:

FY680 Hexcopter
Flight controller: Pixhawk
Esc : 40a
Motor :Gartt ML-3508 580kv(6)
Prop size :13x4
Battery 4s-5000mah
Auw :2750 g

I including my log file's from my lastest attempt:
I hoping someone can look over the log. I'm hoping the answer is in the Log somewhere
and someone can point out my problem, since I can't make head or tail from them.

p.s. I have calibrated the esc with the transmitter.

2015-07-07 13-33-08.tlog

2015-07-07 13-33-08.rlog

2015-07-13 13-25-23.tlog

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