
I have updated 3.2 version to my Pixhawk; MP included:

Mission Planner 1.3.16 build 1.1.5456.14788 Arducopter v3.2(c8e0f3e1)

But after update my compass doesn't pass PreArm Check anymore

Check to the Full Parameter List shows a gap between compass ID...

COMPASS_DEV_ID now is 73225 and COMPASS_DEV_ID2 now is 131594

a) My External Compass is well oriented

b) Compass calibration with click External Compass gives

- New Offset are - 100 29 167
- New Compass2 offsets are 52 87 112

So i think my Problem is: COMPASS_DEV_ID2 is wrong since last firmware upgrade


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  • Is this bug fixed?

    I just configured a fresh Pixhawk, set the Compass to Pixhawk / 180 Roll and got the "compasses inconsistent" error constantly.

    Is there any solution to this?

    Best Regards!


  • Yup - been having this ever since 3.2 beta #13.. Can't seem to find out why.

    Sometimes it will be ok, then I swap a battery and nope - no arming. Plug and unplug power a few times and it will sometimes be ok but others not a hope. Very odd.

    • Dear Mike,

      Well i'm a real beginner and this is my first try to assemble a Drone, and it was totally unconsistent same as you, but since the time:

      - All cables were properly connected
      - Changing RC Receiver from Sbus2 to Sbus (It seems last release is also Sbus2 compatible)
      - RC Throttle 1.05ms - 1.95ms configured
      - Pixhawk Compass Calibration and not external unit

      My Pre-Arm Error Message: PreArm: Compasses Inconsistent! disappeared

      Well now I have another one lol: Check FS_THR_VALUE

      So l disabled the pre-arm check in MP

      And Finally entered the learning mode to see my motors working ;-)

      My Conf is:
      Tarot 650 Ironman
      T-Motor MT4006
      ESC's Castle Creations Quadpack 35a
      RC Futaba 14SG + r7008SB receiver

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