Hi everybody,

I have issue with flying a quadcopter with Pixhawk as the flight controller. When I apply throttle only using a Futaba transmitter, the ch1out, ch2out, ch3out, ch4out status of the Mission Planner are different, 2 of them are similar to each other but different from the other 2 which are similar to themselves. When the propellers are fixed to the quadcopter, the drone flipped. I do not know what to do, I need help. I really appreciate your help. Thanks.


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  • Hi Andre,

    Please tell me how to dry test. Thanks.

    Andre K. said:

    You cannot dry test like that , unless your pitch and roll is 0.000000 degrees (never)
  • You cannot dry test like that , unless your pitch and roll is 0.000000 degrees (never)
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