Problem GPS,HIL with X plane

Hi everyone! I’ve been trying to do HIL to my airplane to check the autopilot because last time it did strange things, so I decided to see what happened.

I’ve seen lot of videos and reed some manual related to the steeps that you have to follow to set up the X plane and mission planner.

Firstly, I update the version of my PX4 to Airplane V3.7.0. and download the HIL software for airplane that mission planner has. Then I installed X plane V10 and configure all the parameters, the IP and the gaps you have to choose 3691317884?profile=original

After that, I started the simulation in the Mission planner, I checked that the transmitter rc works properly, as you can see in the following picture.


Mission planner is receiving date from X plane as we can see, because the latitude and longitude are the right ones according to the airport that I’ve chosen in X plane.

The problem is the following, as we can see in this other image, the GPS is no fixed. I’ve been watching videos and the GPS must be 3D fix. But it didn’t appear and I don’t know how to solve it. In fact the airplane can fly in the X plane, but the artificial horizon didn’t move, I think that is because of the GPS in not fixed. I look for a solution but I don’t have any idea. I will be glad if somebody could help me.3691317953?profile=original

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