Quad to hex conversion = %50 more issues

Im converting my quad to a hex for greater capabilities and have it all ready to fly, when surprise.... three motors wont spin up.

Here's whats been done and tested:
1. All of the ESCs successfully flashed to the tgy.hex
2. pdb checked for continuity
3. esc controller cable all checked for continuity and correct apm connection.
4. PM checked for proper frame setting
5. eeprom wiped and reflashed with the r2.71- X3
6. motor test function run from cli, same result
7. motors and escs seem to function ok elsewhere

so aside from those things, anyone have an inspired suggestion?
Also thanks in advance.

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  • I am now in the process of converting my quad to a hexa. I have a Pixhawk PX4. So, I'll post my experiences when done

  • update- I mustve tested one of the good esc motor combos as Ive determined the issue to be 3 screwy ESCs. This brings up a number of other questions though, namely why? Especially when both were new from DIY store and the other worked wonderfully beforehand. 

    They appear to reflash correctly at least a few times prior and now it will not accept a flash, initializing with a stuttering sound as opposed to the three consecutive tones.  Has anyone else encountered this at all?

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