I know a question about 'feel' is subjects but I am curious to hear from others with experience on the Hexa and Octos.   Do you think these larger birds fly with more stability?  Less 'twitchy' than a Quadcopter? Since they are obviously heavier, do that have that kind of feel in the flying air? Maybe Im thinking 'heavy' = 'stable feel'.

I flew hang gliders years ago and the bigger wings flew slower, but were pretty boaty stable..

My question stems from flying my Quad for a week. Just a little every day, mostly inside. I went outside this weekend and flew a bit until a crash (but I have spare parts!).  The winds was pretty low but it seemed to push the little Quad all over the place. Alt Hold did not work so well. I was at around 4 meters, when it would jerk upward/higher quickly. It is what led to the crash, it jerked up and went downwind before I could bring it back softly.

Thanks for any feedback,


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  • I don't think its the number of motors that make it smooth, its size and tunning..

    I am flying a tri-copter 1.7m across.... that is far more stable than most videos I have seen here... 

    Here is a video from that Tri


    Eddie Weeks


  • Developer

    Larger flying machines are inherently more stable (if designed properly), but a lot of smoothness and stability comes from tuning your PID gains properly. I think you can get a hex to act much like an octo. A lot of times it comes down to a level of redundancy you want and maybe an increase in payload as well. I fly a large (over 5 ft tip-to-tip) octocopter and it can behave very very smoothly, but that is with proper tuning. If I tune it poorly it is twitchy like any other platform. Also you mentioned the wind... my octo can withstand some heavier winds because of its size. Good luck in your endeavors!

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