Quanum Nova fails to arm


I have only managed to fly my new Quanum Nova 5 times. Now it has fails to arm the motors. I have checked both the transmitter & receiver and have noticed that the receiver stops flashing red once the TX is switched on. Have read a few blogs and someone mentioned that he has had the same problem and after several tries it decided to arm itself.

Unfortunately this is not the case with mine. Have opened both TX as well as the Quad, checked all wiring and everything seems to be in order except for one link from the RX to the controller, which seems to be inserted with the -ve and the signal in reverse. Check pic below.

  • Have loaded Mission Planner and confirm that none of the TX controls are showing up when trying to calibrate the TX.
  • Have also found a blog of how to bind or rebind the RX to the TX but all attempts have failed today.
  • (Can anyone clarify which pins should the shorting plug go across?)

Has anyone had similar problems?

Any suggestions - replace the RX or TX or both?



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  • Hi

    I Had this problem as well until I found that the transmitter swamps the model if you stand within 1 metre of it .

    stand about 3 metres back and try.

  • I replied to this a few weeks ago but have to revise my comment. Since replacing the front right ESC my arming process has been dramatically different. I have to conclude that my Nova was "slightly faulty" I am consistently airborne now within 25 seconds. I have to see this as an improvement although I was not worried much by the former process. The seriously critical issue is allowing time to find Satellites. Too much hurry is a much bigger issue in that situation.
    • I thought that something was amiss there as it was far too long to wait for it to arm.

      Glad you discovered the issue and now it is resolved.

      But as you said, best to lock in the satellites before you take off just in case you loose it or it goes out of range.

  • Hi Rich

    Thought I would give you a heads up on what actually was wrong with the Quanum Nova...... I actually tested the TX transmission using my spectrum analyser and although it starts, it would not continue transmission in frequency hopping mode. This of course would never allow you to arm the motors. Returned to HK and quite some time they accepted my complaint and replaced the entire copter and TX. Recieved it just the other day and all is OK.

    PS. noticed that the new landing legs have been beefed up and are far more sturdy.

    Thanks for all your help.

    • I was just thinking about that issue a few days ago!  Thanks for letting me know.  I'm glad it worked out for you.  I've had several issues with Hobbyking, and they all worked out eventually - but in each case I needed to push it, use their chat feature so actually someone would look at it.

      • There is a curious feature in the arming of my Nova. After an initial check system, which ends in about fifteen seconds with a little tune, you might expect that it would accept arming. But it takes another 25 seconds in my case. That makes the total time elapsed after plug in to 55 seconds. that compares favourably with all my other systems but it should be signposted.

        There are a heap of entirely acceptable reasons for refusing arming commands. One of the surprises for me was the Altitude disparity rejection. My experience leads me to think that a field base station is almost essential with this class of aircraft. I would also suggest that I made a mistake in buying the Machine without it's transmitter. I would not have done that with a Television and its remote control. Thanks for the forum.

        • That is quite a long time to arm the bird. I do not have this issue with the replacement unit that I received. However I have to add a point that I have recently experience and have been able to repeat...........

          My computer uses Wifi for connectivity and while I was tuning the new Nova using Mission Planner, I tried to start the motors to carry out the test, however it would not accept the command. Tried repeatedly and it just kept on refusing. Gave up in the end, thinking that the same old problem had come up again, and decided to take it outside for one last test........ it worked perfectly. I repeated the test and noticed on the Mission Planner screen that radio signal was interfering with it and it was reverting to RTL mode - hence it would not arm.

          The Altitude disparity is a new one and I will certainly watch out for that, I am lucky however that I purchase the Nova as RTF so it did come with its remote control........very basic but it does all that is required.

          Thanks for your comments.

          • WIFI works over 2.4 and 5.8 just like your tx. Not a good idea to mix the two.

            • Don't know if this is helpful or just adds to the confusion but I am having the same problem with a brand new QN.    HobbyKing has been helpful and responsive so far but I am still having no luck.   I did a gps calibration first then tried to arm the motors with no luck.   Then, as advised by Matt D at HobbyKing I plugged it into Mission Planner and found that RTL mode was enabled.   I switched to Stabilized mode then tried to arm and had no luck.   Also tried indoors and out with the TX.  Nothing seems to work.  I have uploaded the MP screen shots in case anyone is interested or can make suggestions based on them.  I will also continue to work with HK and will report what I learn.

              Capture 1.JPG

              Capture 3.JPG

              Capture 2.JPG

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