SITL on Linux just stops after about 20 minutes

As the subject line says -- I'm running ArduPlane SITL (Rascal) on a Linux box. It works great -- but after 20 minutes or so, it just stops -- I get "no link" in MavProxy. I am trying to find any logfile to see if I can deduce what might be happening, but have not been able to do so. Is this something that is happening to my setup? I'm looking through the models, and wondering if the virtual plane is running out of fuel or something -- but that's unlikely since I'm usually just left somewhere mid-flight.


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  • I looked at the logfiles (and attaching for reference). The SITL logfile is consistent with the Mission Planner logfile -- output just seems to stop at a point. The plane doesn't crash or anything like that.

    I was wondering if something is going with the connection between SITL and MAVPROKY (TCP Port 5760 I think).

    Weird -- I can get most of my testing done in the 20 minutes or so that SITL lasts, but it would be nice if I can put my finger on the problem.

    Much Thanks



  • Developer

    the DF log file should be in the logs/ subdirectory of the directory you run SITL from.

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