Smoke from motors


I am currently working on a hexacopter. After completing the assembly I tried to calibrate the motors. One of the motors didn't spin properly and smoke started coming from it. This happened twice. I don't know if the problem is with the motor or the ESC. I made sure all the wires are perfectly soldered and connected. Attached sleeves as well. I am really not sure where the problem came from. Would be great if someone could tell me where I went wrong. Btw, Im using T-motor 400kv and T-motor ESC 40A. 


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  • Can u please tell me the kv of motors and battery which you are using
  • Are those ESC's OPTO or do they have built in BEC?

  • There is no calibration or signal the pixhawk could send that would burn your escs.  Do you have multiple bec power from escs in parallel?

    Amit said:

    i just got 2 motors burned at the same time, Tmotors and castle esc

    Its got to do with calibration or signals, motors number 1 & 2

  • i just got 2 motors burned at the same time, Tmotors and castle esc

    Its got to do with calibration or signals, motors number 1 & 2

  • new...and defective.

    All you need is one bad soldered gate signal on one FET to end up with DC being applied to a motor (that can admage it)

    ..or a incorrect winding or connection of leads from the motor - which also could damage esc ..

    (This is a reason to start things first time on a lab PSU , or have other means of current limiting during test)

  • But the motors and the ESCs are brand new :/

    Andre K. said:

    you can try to use the esc with another motor. 

    - the burned motor is to be considered defective. (the insulacion between windings is most likely defective now)

  • you can try to use the esc with another motor. 

    - the burned motor is to be considered defective. (the insulacion between windings is most likely defective now)

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